HOPE IS OUR HELMET OF SALVATION.  WITHOUT IT WE ARE SQUITTLED.  Nurture Hope.  For without it we under the mind control of the towers of babble and bray which surround as on all sides.

“MANY are the afflictions of the righteous yet the Lord God Almighty delivers them out of them all.”

I watched a video of a man who is convinced that we are in Hell.  Bless his heart.  He has some very good points.  Furthermore it’s nice to hear someone who isn’t a parrot like the youtube christians in their limited ideas of the supernatural.

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PLASMA APOCALYPSE & RAPTURE 2024 More Is Now Revealed!



The full picture of the coming plasma apocalypse was delayed until April 8th 2024 or there about.  The details of the coming Earth apocalypse and vehement flame which will melt away most flesh on Earth in an instant was a mystery.   Details were withheld to protect the 144.   While they grew their emotional security and walked through their purification of body, mind, soul cleansing of their being.   By trials of fire we grow spiritually.

Until now we didn’t know how the end would come. We didn’t know if we would leave this Earth or stay and survive.  We didn’t know if we would be upgraded in body and mind or if we had to die again.  We just didn’t know the details.

Daniel 12:10
“some shall be purified and made white but the wicked shall not understand or see.”

The full picture of the coming apocalypse was withheld from the Seer Jazweeh.  But as the Christians wait for their fiery rapture the 144,000 chosen of God are called & chosen to walk the coming New Earth after Earth’s purification.  The 144 are now finally ready emotionally, physically and mentally to carry out their next calling of God.

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The Mark of The Beast Revealed

The Dark Knight of The Soul Stepped Onto Earth,
Yet the servants of God slept on.

“Sleep on little children, sleep on..” reads the verse in the new desecrated books of the fallen.     How is it Jesus no longer urges the apostles to “wake up, can you not pray with me for a time?”

God Almighty said He would forgive those in the last days when they repent of following the beast.

New Prophecies Revealed. Tower of Babel. Covenant With Many.

Creator of The Heavens & The Earth. Fluid Reality

Don’t Bother Trying to Search the Real Term Man Dale a a faect

All you’ll find are redundant examples over and over calling the examples “false memories”.  You’ll read explanations of how people are Miss Rembring.  I have 5 websites and they all have M.E.  articles on them that did not show up in search even to the ump-teenth page of my own exhaustive search of two S. engines.  Uhg!  I LOATHE CENSORSHIP!

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