End of Days Prophecy Straight from an Angel of God

The Third Angel Speaks to the Scribe of God Named Jazweeh

Revelation 16:8 is at hand.

The angel is as a firebird brilliant and beautiful sacred and true she is God’s beautiful Deity.   And she flies now.  She says she can only be seen and heard by The Spirit.  She is the sacred.   Watch carefully how ye speak of deity spoken of as “fallen” for they are all sacred anointed vessels of God’s holy will.

I call her Kachina because God told me of the Blue star coming back in 2012 or so.  The prophecy of the Blue & Red Kachina is the same as the four angels in Revelation.

What did the angel say to the people of God?

“Tell them of my brother” says the angel #3.  “Go and write, tell them of my brother the fourth angel.  He shall burn the earth and bring the red dust ash.” 

These Phoenix Sacred firebirds are pouring out the prophesied viles of pestilence and plague upon the earth.  The flight of these angels brings an awakening to the volcanoes and are triggering other great powers on and under earth to wake up.  Quakes and other great signs and disasters, eathquakes, floods, volcanoes etc.  Fire, smoke, dust, sulfur dioxide.

The volcanoes make the earth’s air gaseous.  Causing ionized atmosphere that causes lung problems.  God’s children are protected. They cover the UV gaseous lung problems by CV fairy tales.

But when the fourth angel comes and he is here.  He made his announcement to me on the night of the 30th of January.  When he rose up straight up up up from the Southeast.  Then instead of taking his place as a planet, he flew North opposite of the planetary elliptical orbit.   This powerful angel flew against the magnetic poles.  As if against the wind.

And The sacred White Angel flew faster than any planet or sun could ever move.  His wings white bright shining as he flew.  I saw The Fourth Angel in flight in 2022, 30th.  His sister Blue Kachina says that the White Angel is the most destructive of the four angels.

What Disaster Shall The White Angel Bring?

What is “The Red Dust” that the 4th White Angel brings?  Death.  The White Angel brings the pale horse of death.  It’s on.  Men will now be gathered to their eternal homes.  We were here to choose our God.  It was a phase of our creation to choose our spirit home.

The Earth shall burn by the White Angel and men shall turn to red dust/ash.  As their spirits are sucked through portals.  Some go to judgement.  Some to paradise.  Others to Hell.  And some, the few shall be transfigured to stay on Earth and survive the White Angel of Fire’s flight.  These survivors shall seed the new earth we think.

The true prophecy straight from the White Angel is given to Jazweeh by gracious gracious Jesus and His beautiful holy deity.  Jazweeh says she wishes you could see them.  But we think only those in the two times of the dividing of time can see the sacred.  And sacred they are.

God does not bestow such visions on the vile men.

Take a look.  Perhaps you shall see her. 


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