The Elven Race Was Feared by Men.
The Oracle says “When the money dries up in the hands of men the end shall be at hand.”
Why? They are gentle they don’t eat dead animals, and they are magic. There was only one righteous line of men who the Elves respected. The Line of the Lion of Judah. Many of the Elves were killed in wars and if they retreated to far away land perhaps they now inhabit the Arctic no fly zone. Perhaps they made deals with powerful & dark evil men long ago for certain power over the desecrated parts of Earth which mankind now rules. Perhaps the line of Elves still lives. Truth is told in tales of fiction on the The Image of the Beast. It may very well be that the Elves survived and wrote the story of old. Lord of The Rings. And perhaps they still live in a place that is not polluted by mankind. Where nature is respected and God is known.
Perhaps it is because of Elves that mankind hasn’t destroyed Earth with Nukes. If “Nukes” even exist for real. I do not doubt it but it’s unconfirmed of course. A picture show and a fable.
Have the Elves handed these men too much power? Surely they know the man of Earth who rule are poisoning the bodies and minds of the people. It’s not the Elves job to protect the line of men. I don’t blame them for abandoning those mixed & left behind. We think only the pure blooded Elves would have journeyed away.
But now there is a great shift of power on Earth. The covenant made with demons by men defiled ALL the Holy Books. The bibles were tied magically to mankind’s fate. The tower of babble rose up and confounded all words.
No longer does the Harlot (the lesser evil) restrain the Beast of power & greed. The rulers of men now slaughter their own kind unrestrained and uncurbed by empathy or Love. It’s so bad now there is nothing the Elves will do to stop the slaughter of mankind.
“If those days were not shortened no flesh would survive”. “Shortened”? Is a skewed word. Though the days are shortened, wake up and go to bed with little time in between. The white sun is lethal and likely man made since the sun is dimmed.
What genocide? Why can’t the many Christians see the 1/3 of mankind being slaughtered? It’s not pretty so why look? Why look? Man made plagues are Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, & now their new favorite auto-immune as they make the body destroy itself from within. It is utterly diabolical. Christians are vailed by a living vail. The Locust & wing of abomination took their minds. The painless demon creature is unlike any other demon. The only protection from it is the armor of God & the great seal of God on the forehead. The warriors trained in dark battle who see the realm of evil and are trained to slaughter free flying demons repelled it.
It’s Getting Worse on Earth
Even now travels bans are invoked by alleged health rules. Vaccine passports are required. The problem at the borders is not what they think. You see, they are vaccinating every illegal alien so they can work in the U.S. Legions of unvaccinated are getting the shots just so they can come to the U.S. and work.
What is happening in other countries is a mystery except its likely the same as here. Your guess is as good as mine. If you speak by email to a foreigner who is blinded anyway they will say “its all good”. While the shot takes their good sense and throws it to the dead cell pile of recombinant worthless cell lines. As the beast remakes mankind in the image of animals using Chimp, Rat, Pig mRNA men will get dumber and dumber.
If they survive the Cancer cell lines that promote fast growing overt mitoses causing reformation, transformation. Take your pick do you want to be part animal? Die of blood vain Cancer? Or have a heart attack? That’s what the shot does and soon the requirements to do anything, of freedom will depend on that shot.
“Sure we will allow you freedom”, says the beast, “that is IF you allow us to remake you in the image of the beast”. GMO humans are now everywhere by choice. They chose by ignorance. My people perish for lack of knowledge. They cannot believe what I write due to the living vail.
Father will put a stop to the genocide. Father will send His Sun & His Son both. Prophecy of God is True. His purpose for evil is now complete. Men made their choices and had to be privy to evil to reject or embrace it.
The Earth must burn. Hopefully most of the Elves will be taken home temporarily and protected. If in fact that is who inhabits the Artic now Arctic Northlands. The white sun will Ark. The Ark of the covenant. The Earth must burn for the New Earth to grow, rise, and bloom by God’s New Sun.
Jesus was sent to collect The Children of God Almighty. These children are direct descendants of Jesus. The Lion/Line of Judah. The beginning from the end, the end from the beginning. This means by their choices they have become Sons of God. The end creates the beginning. By their choices the bloodlines manifested. And by their choices the many follow the beast.
The little people of old were corrupted. They mixed with trolls we think who are followers of whatever they are lead. Did Hobbits exist? There is a line who are called “Retarded”. Their Spirit is pure. Not all of them but I have seen them pure of Spirit. Perhaps they too were attacked and slaughtered by men. The movie Lord of the Rings didn’t capture the purity of spirit of the Hobbits because it only remains in those who have somehow been defected of mind. Their intelligence stolen. The pure in heart. They apparently do not understand evil. The sacred tree it seems was taken from them somehow.
Speaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and of evil the many Christians who are not “purified and made white” in the end of days will revert to not having the knowledge of evil. But they will retain intelligence and have their Paradise. After the 1,000 years of sleep.
Father will removed the knowledge of evil from Christians in the New World. Why? Because they cannot be trusted with this knowledge. It corrupts them. There is the line who can retain the knowledge they have because God knows them. They do not betray or hide from Him. They proved their allegiance in a lifetime of choices. Oh the Christians who truly believe in Jesus will get their paradise. And the promise will be fulfilled. Evil men will rule in Hell.
Balance will be restored. The lake of fire will burn souls who have no allegiance to any god who saves the soul. The dark realm is for the Dark souls who show allegiance to The Dark Lord…..we think.
The separation is finished.