Cause & Cure for Restless Leg Syndrome


I speak for myself.   What’s the cause of R.L.S?  Artificial electricity.  Waves & oceans of electrical current rolling through the human body.  Earth sits electrically at around 7 hertz.  While powerlines, circuit breaker boxes, plugs in the wall, wifi, cell towers, electrical towers, power centers and more disrupt natural low currents.  Wifi alone is thousands if not millions of hertz more than any natural body current.

They don’t teach us this in school because we are not supposed to be smart.  But rather we are supposed to be manageable and controlled.  That is what schools are for.  Fish caught in a net of lies, deceit, and mind control based in low self worth.    Your enemy wants you dead or worse.

When I quit sleeping with my head next to (within a foot or two) a wall unit air conditioner with about 25,000 BTU electrical output my R.L.S. ceased to exist.

I have a frequency meter.  It measures both electric and I have another meter for microwaves (wifi, cell tower frequency measurements).  It shows me safe and unsafe levels.  The circuit breaker frequencies can’t be blocked easily if at all.  The electrical outputs are the worst for the body.  While the microwave/wifi outputs are the worst for the mind.  Hardwire (ethernet) all devices (computers & tv’s).   Make your home a safe place.  Do not move to a house with a cell tower in the back yard.  Stay as far away from cell & wifi signal as possible.  Travel the back roads rather than interstate.  Stay around as many trees as possible.  And ground yourself to the Earth by laying in the grass and or walking barefoot on the dirt/grass.

Never put your bed next to a circuit breaker box.  Also when running space heaters, air conditioners or any high energy devices stay as far away from the electrical outlet (plug) as possible.

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