But that’s not my issue today. Yes the bible is in the hand of the Dark Lord. He has many dead men walking. They are his proselytes with a spirit straight from Hell. How long until their minds of most people go completely desolate of reason & empathy turning on one another? And the dead man’s spirit within them takes full control? How long?

The Shape Shifting Serpent Creatures from Hell Have Arrived. They are the painless (apparently) “Locust from the pit”. They came in the night just as the artist William Blake depicted. The Red Dragon movie villain ate the paining. A twist of the true story.
Repentance and deliverance by God Himself is the only escape from these painless enemies of the night. They are parasites to mankind. Only God’s 144 army on Earth were equipped to hear, see & slaughter the creatures when they attempted consummation of the body.

My husband had a beautiful Spirit within him. A lively and healing Spirit that I could feel very strong in him. We have been together for nearly twenty years. Since he took the mark of the beast which put him in the hospital for three days, he is changing.
He told me he had an anxiety attack and never took the final solution (back scene #1). I have felt people’s spirits all of my life. Thing is I thought everyone could. Apparently I was wrong. It’s going on four years since the back scene went out in late 2020. Many died from it already by the inflammation caused by P.E.G. They may be the fortunate ones.
Others are suffering neurological disorders and cancer. Some have their new brand of genetic immune system disorders. The I.S. turning on itself.
The rest and all of them who are living have the new spirit within their bodies. It’s a very scary spirit. It’s like a robot with no Love, no Faith, no Hope, no Empathy. It’s dark and it’s silent. It reminds me of an image standing in a closet with a butcher knife. His mind silent. His only motive dark and relentless, unwavering. Is to slaughter the living. He is death. He is dark zombie like unremorseful murder.
That is the spirit now walking in the masses. My God in Heaven who could be so diabolical to do such a thing to mankind. All they had to do is ask Father if they should take the back scene. He would have answered them like never before. All they had to do is ask. They cannot repent because their God given human heart no longer has a voice whatsoever.
Pandora’s box is opened. Faith and Hope with Love have left the masses. The only thing keeping them civil for now is “nature vs. nurture”. Their nurture side of their personality and their parrot mentality is the only thing civil within them it seems.
When the man walks into the room I can’t feel him anymore…and then suddenly I do feel that evil dark spirit within him. It startles me and I scream spontaneously without intent. It happen over and over and over and over. I can’t image what my husband is thinking about this phenomena. I didn’t realize how much I depend on the sixth sense until this evil conclusion took place on Earth.
Yes I feel it in others at the grocery store etc. But for some reason I don’t scream with them. It’s as if my husband is now making a game of sneaking quietly into the room just so I will feel suddenly that dark spirit and scream. Just so he can hear me scream.
Keep in mind most timelines in the bibles are new and false.
The covenant with many demons was a deal between powerful men and demonic authorities.
“Give us the keys to the cell’s nuke so we can control mankind genetically. And we shall give demon creed authority over every bible on the face of the Earth. And so the Dark Lord author of confusion, rewrites every book by towers of babble. He has authority changing the ink and print and text etc by deceptive signs and wonders. Miracles.
Maybe they won’t become violent toward the few, the chosen. Maybe they will destroy themselves and each other instead.
And so the chosen few will be in the oven and not get burned at all.

Of course the towers of babble have alot to do with the reprobate minds of the masses. Also the locust is consuming their eye sockets slowly. Very very slowly. The locust from the pit is part spirit and part corporal. While the winged abomination perches like a bird in the hair….unseen by the eyes of men.