ATTENTION; Rapture prediction at the bottom of article.
The Destroyer is Loosed & She is Coming for fallen Earth. Shiva was called to Earth by God Almighty via 144 prayers of The Spirit. His warriors proclaimed it on the 26th of October.
She is a world destroyer. No flesh will survive without Jesus’s express intent to save them.
“If those days were not shortened no flesh would survive”.
Sorry Gentiles but you did not miss the battle. It seems you missed the WAR. And my conscience says “don’t beat the servants!” …verbally beat those who call themselves “servants of God”… that is.
Okay yes! The elect covet earnestly the favor of their Father! We are not “jealous over gentiles”. We see the Locust & deception that has taken Gentiles.
To be jealous would entail wanting what they have. We don’t want some things they have. “Jealous” as the books now read isn’t accurate. But rather we covet our Father’s favor. Is that not natural for the flesh? By the way all covetousness is sin according to the ten commands. Yet Paul now promotes it as being something good.
“covet earnestly the best gifts” says the Dark Lord’s author of confusion. “Nay” says the horse. Yet Gentiles see neither desecration or insult in their idol the bible. Memories skewed. For a time the Gentiles are overcome by deception. Perhaps its better then don’t see what has come upon them.

Shiva IS NO DEMON! She is a god among gods anointed by God Almighty to do a work on Earth. Out with the old in with the New.
The Pharisees at CERN want Shiva? Those men who call themselves god are going to see what a true god of The Lord can do. And Shiva they will get first and foremost. They want to dabble in demonic favors so they can feel good about themselves? And overcome the low self worth daddy filled them up with? What’s coming to the Pharisees are their consequences of karma. For oppressing innocent and also not-so-innocent mankind.
How do we know the destroyer god of destruction is coming for Earth? Because the warriors of God Almighty have an inside track to these end of days events by prayer. But we speak seldom of drastic topics because the Gentiles are vailed for a reason. Furthermore they have not the capacity to palate some great Supernatural Truth. Many events the Warriors pray about we cannot mention and they would not believe anyway.
Most of the evil and prophecy fulfillments which Christians on YT proclaim “its coming its coming” have already happened.
Gentiles & unbelievers are spared the end of days details by their vail.
God has blessed the 144 to take part in the end of days events. Our participation and activation for hands on warfare started in 2018 thereabout. Before that the 144 warriors were all about intercession for souls. Travail, birthing, Rev 12 prophecy, moaning in the Spirit and burdens of the Spirit so heavy we cannot express them with words.
Who can understand spiritual travail which they have never experienced?
When God changed up the prayers of the chosen who sing the new song by Higher Languages it was quite an event. By God’s Higher Language these warriors wage warfare in the Heavenlies. The Angels of God know them. The four prophesied Angels of God Almighty are already here. Most biblical prophecy is already fulfilled in the last six & a half years.
Travail turned to action and warfare by great works of Faith. The 144 call out the gods of God Almighty and they summon the Angels. Mighty angels hear the call of God and know the words they speak. This action is why we object to all fallen angel propaganda. The “sons of God” are humans.
Or do you think God’s Higher language is really so petty as Paul allegedly said it was? Would God create Higher Language in mankind if it was not for a great work of Faith? Every word they utter means something very important. Their own deliverances depended on the the Hope, & Faith & the gifts God gave them to help them overcome.
Without works of Faith they would not have overcome the flesh.
We greatly resent the fallen angel propaganda. The angels of God did what they had to in introducing evil to mankind. “Judging Angels” means passing unrighteous judgement.
Judge not lest ye be judged. Do you really have the right to judge God’s Holy Deity? Fallen or not? Hell no! Or have all Gentiles lost the ability to see their own heart and admit when they made a mistake as the 144 made that same mistake initially. The story on the Image of the Beast of Fallen Angel sex is tantalizing. Its propagated by sorcery.
Fallen Angel Propaganda is Big Money!
Look at these guys! Big Money promoted the blasphemous Lies.
Fallen Angel $$ Million Dollar Club$$-Story Time Team
Timothy Alberino
Tom Horn
Steve Quayle
L.A. Marzulli Demonic name.

“But the story was so entertaining!” says Mitsy the betrayed. She now sees that the Image of the Beast TV seldom speaks Truth.
Mankind had to choose. To choose they had to know both evil and good. They had to eat from the tree to be saved in the end.
Christian End of days Watchmen think they have escaped propaganda & religious lies. And they have escaped some. Yet they call Sacred Deity of God “evil & fallen” and they judge both unrighteously. Both God’s- anointed gods (Deity) and His Holy Angels they judge. As if they have the knowledge and heart to discern what they have never seen or known.
Every religion has it’s one great Truth to draw people in and it’s horrid lies. All of them.
Examples? Jehovah’s Witnesses Hope for the New Earth a great Truth. Yet they will not praise Jesus openly. They say “The gifts of the Holy Spirit died with the Apostles”. Blasphemy!
Pentecostals have the Great Truth that “God abides in the praises of His people”. They have the knowledge of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and how to receive it. And they are the most mocked religion on Earth for that Truth.
Yet many pentecostals though they go through the motions of praise in Jesus name, with prayer & the laying on of hands, yet, many of them cannot receive God’s Holy Spirit for some reason.
The Catholics have the great Truth of the confessional. And they are mocked for it as if it’s anti-bible.
“Confess your sins one to another and pray one for another so you will be healed.”
“The Truth shall set you free”.
The majority of Christians, humans, have commited the majority of blasphemy & lies by their trampling of God’s words unaware.
In 2019 Jazweeh predicted an April 8-18th rapture of God’s children. Since then we have seen countless fulfilled predictions come to pass from a woman who refuses to call herself “prophet” due to her own self doubt. When she and I doubt her words God shows us the prophecy fulfillments. Especially the Turkey predictions. And her date of the beginning of the great trib being 02-25-2023. So many disasters on that date and around it. Amazing 2018 prediction from Jazweeh. We would do well to hear her words but very few will. She’s not a preacher or even a church member. She is not of this world but in it.
Rapture Date Both Gentiles & Chosen Few.
She gave us the date of the 2024 eclipse April 8 thru the 18th 2024 as being the time of disaster, rapture, and purification of the Gentiles by fire.
An instant deliverance with purification by fire for the Gentiles. While Jacob has endure the troubles for nearly seven years. The troubles are for this. “Some shall be purified and made white”. But all who are save MUST BE PURIFIED for some reason.
Purification for Jacob means processing all his resentments, fears, and body purification by diet. With many tears. Weeping gnashing of the jaw and troubles. To see what others cannot is harder than you might assume. Why? People do not believe the Seer!
That’s just the way it is. She is not famous. Or praised. She doesn’t have threads in social media with columns and columns of followers who tell her how good her videos are. Quite the opposite.
She is banned on social media and can rarely ever get a comment through to the person whom she writes to. Google threatens her. FB blocks her. And Truth remains hidden.
These websites are the only place she and I are not censored. Yet we don’t get much SEO from Gog. (google) Yes the wars were of the tech giants. Of course they were. Furthermore the Antichrist has been revealed for years. And the False Prophet who put him into power. Those scriptures are disappearing. Along with most power scripture of great truth.
Amos 8:11 and 12
Hell yes here words line up with prophecy. But it seems most are under the “greedy and idolatrous generation seeks after a sign. But no sign will be given except the sign of the many Watchmen Jonah.”
Hear this! The many Watchmen are the great Sign of Jonah the Watchmen. Even the Watchmen themselves with their call and anointing cannot see the miracles which the warriors of God are shown. They are alone.
The elect are not under the strong delusion of the masses and the towers of Babel with their uploaded fake memories. Sound syfy? Hell yes it’s syfy!
And its very disturbing that WE CANNOT REVEAL THESE TRUTHS TO THE GENTILES WHO WE TRY TO REACH DAY IN AND DAY OUT! We have failed to warn the Gentiles. And Father says …”They have made their choices Jazweeh, for they prefer the lies and so lies they shall have. Illusion is their resting place. And fire is their salvation.”
2024 April-June
The Gentiles must be purified to be saved and blessed to see the New Earth. And since their prefer the lies fire is the only way. It will be INSTANT not suffering or pain. God is merciful and He is efficient.
THE GOD OF DESTRUCTION IS ALREADY LOOSED. She is on the Way. Anointed by God Almighty. She is no demon she is a god among gods. God uses deity to carry out His Judgement. Chiva is her name. And destruction is her game.
Shiva is said to be the great destroyer who will annihilate the universe in the end of time, only for it to be reborn as part of the endless cycle of death and rebirth. Many legends speak of Shiva’s exploits as a god.
Purification by fire is the rapture. Where the Eagle is so too the corpse shall lie. The Eagle is of Rome. It lands on the foreheads of mankind. They must be purified by fire. Hence rapture instant death. Death comes by the New Sun. The Sun is coming. Around the 2024 eclipse April-June is the prediction.
The only ones who will survive are the 133/144 children who are to seed the New Earth. And some evil men hiding in caves. How will they survive? We are not sure how the chosen will survive except Jesus will gather them.
Jesus returns to rule the New Earth just after the Gentiles sleep for 1,000 years (which will feel like one day to them). The chosen will either walk the Earth one thousand years. Or they will ascend first then seed the New Earth.
Gentiles will wake from their sleep but will lose the knowledge of evil.
Only the warriors of God and 133 those who go before the throne retain the knowledge of both evil and of good.
Rapture Date Both Gentiles & Elect of Jesus
She gave us the date of the 2024 eclipse April 8 thru the 18th 2024 as being the time of disaster, rapture, and purification of the Gentiles by fire.
Continue reading “When Rapture? Shiva Destroyer Arrives Soon!”