Christians Buy Into Propaganda Hook Line Sinker.
Why would the beast want to defile the good name of God’s precious Holy Deity?
- I takes the heat off of the demons.
- It makes for a good storyline.
- More importantly it detours the truth about the back scene’s and their desecration of Noah’s genre. “Noah was perfect in his generations” It was a prophecy. Not story time.
That’s why Noah got the Ark ride. The Ark ride could mean the rapture for those who either repent of making the Lark of the Feast.Or didn’t take it at all because God sternly warned them. It was mankind not angels. With the help of a demonic/human pact …a covenant with many demons that the men got the final symbol to enter human sell’s nuke Lee us. (sorry for the co-ed) Read it outloud if you don’t understand the sentence.
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