What Will the New Earth 1,000 Year Millennium Be Like?

The Dream Catcher’s Vision of New Earth

The thousand years of peace for the chosen few warrior Sons of God will be different than for the Gentiles who will sleep one day as a thousand years.

Again the Child/Warrior the christians call “man-child” in error is already born by the travail and spiritual birth of the 144,000 child warriors.


Remember God uses nature slow and patient.  And the New Earth is His New Perfect Paradise New Nature.  It grows and it becomes.  It is not instant though the coming of the Sun/Son of God will bring instant changes.

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Why All The ‘Nuclear War’ Pish Posh?

Weapons Invented in the 40s are ancient history with cobb webs to boot.

Similar article.


Ya why don’t they just threaten us with a Cannon ball or arrow head tomahawks?  The 1945 nukes are both exaggerated and are an ancient prospect for any real time battle.  EMF DEW directed energy weapons are both stealth/invisible and modern tech.

The media lies like HELL.  But what is their reasoning behind resurrecting the old cold war 1970s Nuke threats?  Perhaps its just fear mongering.  Or maybe its predictive programming.  Maybe there’s more to it.

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