End of Days Prophecy Straight from an Angel of God

The Third Angel Speaks to the Scribe of God Named Jazweeh

Revelation 16:8 is at hand.

The angel is as a firebird brilliant and beautiful sacred and true she is God’s beautiful Deity.   And she flies now.  She says she can only be seen and heard by The Spirit.  She is the sacred.   Watch carefully how ye speak of deity spoken of as “fallen” for they are all sacred anointed vessels of God’s holy will.

I call her Kachina because God told me of the Blue star coming back in 2012 or so.  The prophecy of the Blue & Red Kachina is the same as the four angels in Revelation.

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The Redistribution of The Talents. What Does the Seer See of End Times?

Alot.  Talents are Just that…Spiritual Talent.

“Talents” the new biblical term that means ‘gifts of the Sprit”  How did the scripture “Parable of the talents” read?  Paraphrased– if you don’t use your gifts given to you by God you lose them eventually.

The End of The Age Started in 2012

So then starting 2012 spirituality began to shift and change.  Jesus’ words coming to pass, now ramped up in 2017.  Which prophesies you may ask.  Well, some parables we didn’t know where prophecy for instance.  We didn’t know that when losing a spiritual gift it would shift to someone else.

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Day of The Dead. Los Muertos Dias. Mandela Effect.

The Very Fabric of Our Earth’s Reality is Breaking Down & Quickly.

Well well well.  I searched for that old famous skeleton in a tux & top hat on the album of the Grateful Dead.  He no longer exists except in the minds of the Los Muertos Dias enthusiasts.  I have a prediction of what is to come and it ain’t pretty.  I could be wrong.

The skeleton on the Grateful Dead’s album cover used to look like this guy but full body bones showing with a tux on. He was cocky and mimicked an entertainer.

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Apparently The Nazis are Coming from D.C. to Florida & California.

Washington Examiner article says worst dissidence are in the two coastal states.  Could it be because our Florida Governor refused to make masks law?   Or perhaps the Nazi’s want to lay in the beaches  and choose mansions for the generals.


I Saw the Phoenix X2. It is No Myth!



For Four years I have been watching what I call the blue Kachina (Hopi Prophecy) in the southern sky from Florida.  It dances and flashes red, blue, and clear lights.  It has wings as an angel.  And for four years I have watched her fly using just a cheap pair of binoculars.  Today I figured out what she is.

I am afraid that without Faith men won’t be able to see the Firebird Phoenix.  There is a dividing of time in play.  Two realities at work in one place.  Literally two Truths.  (Hence the many Mandela effects and supernatural bible changes etc.)

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The Holy Quintet (5)

Mother Daughter Father Son Holy Spirit

Perhaps the elite thought we slaves don’t deserve to know about God so they tell us He doesn’t exist.  And for those who do seek God they say half of the divine quintet is evil.  They teach that the Mother God is blasphemy.

The circle encases and protects the family.  It is the Holy Spirit.  Father is the line top to center, The Holy Sacred God Head.  Mother is the foundation middle to bottom The God foundation.  Side to side the Son & Daughter growing outward.  The circle is The Holy Spirit.  The four points are the Son, Daughter, Father, Mother.  I could be wrong, as always but I don’t think so.

God made mankind in His image.  The family of four spiritual nexus.  Why would daughter and Mother be excluded from the God Head?

Are women evil?  So too are men.  In Jesus all are made clean from their sins.  Empathy is the tune of Love.  Women are naturally more empathic than men, usually.

There is more to the Mother God than meets the eyes.

The Quintet is a Circle with an X or Cross inside.  Four points of the God head are Mother, Daughter, Son, Father.  The circle is The Holy Spirit.

They lied.  This Truth is revealed to me by (I believe) The Holy Spirit.  An all inclusive God who does not demean woman or daughters by exclusion of the spirit type.

True-Evil is as evil DOES.  False not- evil is as those in charge say it is weather good or bad, no matter.  Pish posh to their fake evil says the daughter/mother spirit.

The Spiritual Warrior- Overcoming Addiction


I Didn’t Start Out As a Warrior

People seldom want to see that they have a relentless invisible enemy who wants them to self destruct.  In AA we are taught to take responsibility for our actions, and rightly so.  But if a man really gets to know himself from the ground up, he will likely discover that there are dark invisible entities who want him dead.  (demons)  Furthermore he will find that there are enemies all around him called “the beast system” and its rules and supplimentals. (Everything you carry out of the store (on the most part) IS POISONED.  From food to furniture to clothing to devices, routers, cell phones, to appliances and on and on.    Toss your microwave they all leak harmful levels of radiation!  Some poisons are worse than others.

We are being attacked on all fronts.  But before we can look at that we must clear up our own part in this mess and clear the wreckage of the past.  By shedding guilt and shame the truth shall set us free.  Pray.  Pray before working the 12 steps.

I must assure my readers that all believers must be spiritual warriors eventually.  Never fight in the flesh, its pointless except in self defense of a physical attack of course.  Arguing is counter productive.

We all must get up and fight at some point lest we find ourselves oppressed & paralyzed by dark spirits such as depression, anxiety, unhealthy reactions to fear,  fighting with others and dysfunctional relationships, self harm, harm of others and on and on goes the array of dysfunction.

MOVE A MUSCLE-change a thought

OUT OF THE PROBLEM-Into the solution.

We must take action if we want to change.

Read my book Paradise for the Hellbound online free.

Fear Is Part of The Human Condition

It’s the unhealthy reactions to fear, or fear run riot that causes people to react in unhealthy ways.
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Cause & Cure for Brain Fog


The Wifi Spins a web of memory loss.

Causes of Brain Fog and Confusion

I used to get terrible brain fog.  I would forget where I was when driving in the car.  I had limited vocabulary because I could not think of my words.____Laura E.

Until I started studying EMF, electromagnetic frequencies and cleared my home of useless wifi.  I positioned my bed away from the circuit breaker in my room.  I learned where the strong invisible electric fields are in my home.  This article will not be to teach the three kinds of EMF.  Go to https:danaashlie.com  or https://jazweeh.com and use either the site menus or search website to find articles.  Use EMF or wifi search terms.

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Why The Vaccine Can’t Be The Dreaded Mark of The Beast

Most Christians Proclaim, “The Jab Cannot Be the Mark of The Beast.”

Article by Sarcastic Janey.

The man I have lived with for over 15 years said he did not take the jab.  Why can’t I feel his Spirit?   I have a long history of being able to feel the spirit of all people.    I thought everyone could.  I was wrong.  It’s as if now he is a ghost.  He can walk right up on me from behind and I DO NOT SENSE HIM.

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