Washington DC is Laid out geographically and geometrically by lay lines of Witchcraft and sorcery. See VIDEO below very interesting!
Great Satanic Blood God Ritual Prophecy
A Prophecy to Come to Pass Soon
I shall share a prophecy I saw this day. 1-10-21. How the prophecy events story are told on TV shall be another matter. But regardless death and destruction will be the casting of the TV news spell spun on CNN, Fox or both.
I saw a picture of the great city I think it was Washington D.C. I saw the U.S.
King James Version Bible Changes Mandela Effect Vs Strong Delusion
The Most Frustrating of The Signs & Wonders for those who see.
Why is it frustrating. Jesus spent His whole life living with people who were un-enlightened as Himself. They could not see what He saw.
Continue reading “King James Version Bible Changes Mandela Effect Vs Strong Delusion”
The Great Tribulation is at Hand
This website, Theatreofthegods.com and theaterofthegods.com has been created to send visitors to #1 go to https://jazweeh.com for the prediction of the coming of the Son of God.
Supernatural Changes are Happening All Over Earth & In the Heavens
#2 This website is where I will post the most supernatural of the end times signs and wonders that people deny vehemently by either cognitive dissonance or by denial which means straight up lying to themselves. The go-to emotional survival skill of the masses when it comes to facing the supernatural occurrences in their face IS DENIAL.
If you Never Knew The King James Version Bible this first supernatural sign and wonder will not interest you.