Jesus’ Blood & the Dark Night of the Soul

I will not post a bloody pictorial of Jesus my Savior because He is neither flesh nor is He still on that cross.  The time for the romans to pay the price is now.  For the dark night of the soul is here.  Every wrong commited will be taken into account if it’s not covered by God’s Love which is His forgiveness.  We must face God in Truth instead of hiding from Him under a blanket of blood curses. Each man has a soul.  When we clean up the wreckage of our past by facing guilt/shame/regret/remorse (and ask forgiveness from God) we can enter our souls domain.  And bring light into it.  By taking captivity captive we throw the creatures of death and hell into the pit and lock it there.   The lake of fire which is the very pit death would throw us into if it could.  Everybody has one.

Blood Curses

Every time someone cuts stable punches slices pummels another human being to draw their blood in hate and violence (not accidents)…the attacker falls under a blood curse.  This is the Dark night of the soul regarding blood crying out to God.  We should ask forgiveness for every cut done in hate.

What about doctors with their surgeries?    There may be one exception to the rule.  IF a man has a wretched tumor growing under his skin from the poisons of the toxic environment we are in.  And a surgeon agreeably cuts out that tumor.   Then the patient has agreed to the blood letting.  And the curse falls upon that person instead.  We must ask forgiveness for all of our surgeries.  Especially vanity surgeries.   Letting blood over vanity is horribly wrong.  And those doctors will answer for it.  Because why?  The curse of blood a blood letting over $$$ Money?  Real bad idea for both the patient and the surgeons.

What about blood letting for health?  To save a life?   Had we been walking in the Way of Jesus God would have healed us Himself.  This is a guess, I could be wrong on all these blood letting ideas.


Christians get overwhelmed by relying on forgiveness and turn to deceptive doctrines of demons to save their soul from the pit.  Jesus did all the work we don’t have to do anything they say.  They say they can’t remember all their sins and it would be impossible for them to be delivered from each sin by repentance.  Not true.  God makes a Way were their seemeth no Way.

With God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. We can repent of every sin we forgot about by our words of Truth toward God and asking for His forgiveness.  And by forgiving our own enemies seven times seventy.

By their words are they justified and by their words are they condemned.


Clear the hearts wreckage of the past by facing our guilt/shame/remorse/regret/hate/insult.  Find our resentments and pray for all those who spitefully used or betrayed us etc.

Why do Christians run to and fro singing a song to celebrate the brutal stabbing of Jesus by a Roman soldier who had no conscience?  Why do they say He volunteered His own murder?  Why do they scamper here and there in their strong delusion focusing on Jesus’ pain and suffering above any other knowledge or relationship with Him?

Their focus “once saved always saved Jesus plus nothing=salvation.  But it’s Hope the eternal gift that is the helmet of salvation.  And Faith by which we are saved.

Seems to me they don’t know Jesus at all.  But I can’t see their hearts so I am guessing and could be wrong.  For they share no testimony of Jesus working in their lives.  Jesus came for the sick.  Those who are well (they assume) need no Great Physician.

Seems they don’t know Jesus in the present or they would not relish such morbid pictorials.  Would a man celebrate his own son’s murder by drinking his blood?  Would a man celebrate the murder of his brother who was killed brutally killed because he brought soul saving Truth to mankind? Truth which the serpents feared and still fear.

No, a loving brother would mourn such actions and he would not speak of such grotesque events in solemn respect for his loved one.  That is IF he loved his brother.  If he loved his son.  I had a best friend who died in a car wreck.  Here mother would NOT TELL THE GORY DETAILS OF HER BLOODY DEATH.  Not even to her best friend, me.


It was written in the bibles before the desecration of same, that “Abel’s blood cried out.” Abel’s blood cried out to God from the ground!  After Caine killed him.  Abel’s blood literally cursed his brother by that murder commited by Caine.  Jesus was sinless for a reason. He walked in the Way of His Father’s will.  Our Father’s will.  He overcame death so we too can overcome death.  And since Jesus came to Earth to bring me the sacred Holy Spirit of God & bring God’s Truth to us all they killed Him.   Because they feared Truth.

The Way of Truth and of Love (is empathy caring) I was saved by that Truth and by The Spirit which came to me in Jesus name.  He is the Way the Truth the Life.  The Way to God.

JESUS IS NOT A BLOOD SACRIFICE in my opinion.  FOR JESUS IS ALIVE NOT DEAD AND NOT ON THAT CROSS.  NOR IS HE STILL BLEEDING from the brutality of the beast system which justifies its works by enhancing brutality upon God’s children.   To prove to itself that it’s right in doing so.

So then what of these Christians who are saying “put Faith in blood” as their book now reads.  “I am covered in the blood of Jesus” they proclaim.

These Christians are bringing the ultimate blood curse down upon themselves to say such things.  By your words are you justified and by your words are you condemned.

For it is ONLY BY FORGIVENESS FROM GOD ALMIGHTY THAT A MAN CAN BE FORGIVEN.  It is only by humility to ask by confession of all our sins that God forgives us.  “Confess thy sins one to another and pray one for another for forgiveness so you can be forgiven and healed.”

How many times shall I forgive my enemies?  asks the disciple.  Seven times seventy forgive them seven times seventy in words so your heart shall follow by true inner forgiveness.

We should fear God are you kidding?  He is the Creator of all things of Earth and of humans & of nature.  He is not to be toyed with or taken as being human like us.  Jesus was the first one on Earth to receive the Holy Spirit.  The first begotten Son of God.

The purpose of humans on Earth is to walk as Jesus walked in the Way of God’s will.  To cover all of our sins by Love. “For Love covers a multitude of sin”.  When God covers your sin it’s by Love, forgiveness is an act of His powerful Love.  Not to splash Jesus’ blood on us so He can’t see us as they say.  I don’t know the fate of these Christians and their blood gospel doctrinal Faith.  But if they don’t put their eternal gift of Faith in God Himself by also believing in Him Jesus will say I never knew you because …how would He know them if they are hiding under a curse of blood?

Hiding instead of being Truthful with God and transparent with Jesus & with God.

And for me receiving the Holy Spirit was not the same as being born again.  Two separate events.  I had to seek out the Spirit of God.  I have watched as others also sought the Spirit of God…to no avail.  The heart condition has to be in Truth and perhaps desperation.

Now is the time of the “great exploits” of the 144,000.  But these things are done in Spirit not for mankind to see.  Not to be seen of men and praised.  All glory is Gods.

John 3:16 my understanding of John 3:16.  God so loves, loves, loves His children that He sent Jesus the first Son of God to bring them the Truth to Light their narrow path on the Way to God.

For the world is the beast system but nature and Earth and the children thereof are all God’s.  The serpent is being crushed.  The children are being called to Truth.  And the 144 are rarely ever believed.

Wisdom calls out in the street and is utterly rejected.  A Proverb of Songs


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