What Will the New Earth 1,000 Year Millennium Be Like?

The Dream Catcher’s Vision of New Earth

The thousand years of peace for the chosen few warrior Sons of God will be different than for the Gentiles who will sleep one day as a thousand years.

Again the Child/Warrior the christians call “man-child” in error is already born by the travail and spiritual birth of the 144,000 child warriors.


Remember God uses nature slow and patient.  And the New Earth is His New Perfect Paradise New Nature.  It grows and it becomes.  It is not instant though the coming of the Sun/Son of God will bring instant changes.

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I Found The Dream Catcher 04-26-2009.

The Dream Catcher Showed Us the Disc of the Sun.  And the Spider Lady if you look closely to see her.  Also an Angel.  And Other Spirit Entities of Light & Color.

There’s a secret place in the color of day
where ancient sacred entities play
reveal your face oh blessed king
of light and color and dancing stream
my dreams and visions you catch in the night
how is it this day I see the sight
of the great illusive “dream catcher”

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Those Who Shall Inherit The New Earth

And the mortal shall put on immortality, the corrupt shall be clothed with incorruption.

Children of the Sun begin to awake (2017) WATCHOUT!  The Queen of Light took her bow and then she turned to go.  The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom and walked the night alone.  Dance in the dark of night…..Dark Lord rides in force tonight and time will tell us all-alllll.  Sharpen your plow and hoe, rest not to lock the door……

I show you a mystery.  The queen of Faith and The Mother of Pearls of wisdom hold the candles of the children of God.  The candlelight is a golden eternal fire etched and safe in the windows of the Second or Third Heaven.


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The Creators Templates of Retrocausality

What Is Coming?  By words God Created the Earth.  And by words shall He bring Earth to its knees.

SALVATION 101, SALVATION FOR DUMMIES (you are no dummy Its an Idiom)

A Lady by the name on her YouTube channel ‘Vanessa VA’ coined this phrase “retrocausality”.   Though her overuse of the word “consciousness” in her videos annoys the hell out of me I have still subscribed & unsubscribed to her channel many times.  JeffSnyder2 is a fond advocate for her videos.

Blue Kachina And Red Kachina prophesied by the Hopi can be seen in the sky with wings with binoculars to some.

The Blue Kachina is The Phoenix Bird


End of Days Prophecy Straight from an Angel of God

Retrocausality by definition occurs when–

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Creator of The Heavens & The Earth. Fluid Reality

Don’t Bother Trying to Search the Real Term Man Dale a a faect

All you’ll find are redundant examples over and over calling the examples “false memories”.  You’ll read explanations of how people are Miss Rembring.  I have 5 websites and they all have M.E.  articles on them that did not show up in search even to the ump-teenth page of my own exhaustive search of two S. engines.  Uhg!  I LOATHE CENSORSHIP!

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