Apeel’s Beautiful Rotten Peaches Rotting from the Inside out on the Shelf

……………On the shelves.

Screw Nutrients! We can turn produces into the fast food level nutrient and we have by our ignorant scientists who do the work for us!

I have finally found the info on Apeel.  After searching for months.   Two links just below tell the tale of poison and woe poison and woe.  Somebody wants us all to suffer a slow and painful death by poisoning.  Apparently the scripture was for real.  “The Dark Lord as a serpent from Hell slivers throughout the Earth seeking whom he may devour.”  But tragically it’s mankind’s greed and and careless stupidity that is facilitating the Gene oh side of the children of God.




EPA Lists Apeel/Organipeel as a rat killing pesticide antimicrobial antifungal to denature produce.  They have basically turned healthy produce into a fast food toxic mess.

That’s what happens when you stifle the natural ripening process of fruit by covering it with invisible plastic coating called a peel.  The chemical deceives the buyer at the grocery store like this.  They call it APEEL.

Oh look at those pretty presimons.  “The fruit is hard and unripe but in three days they will ripen in my window seal.”  Says the unsuspecting uninformed buyer who is trying to each better for better health.

She gets the fruit at home….1 week, 2 weeks, nearly three weeks and the Prisimons are still bright shiny orange.  They look great but for some strange unprecedented reason THEY JUST WON’T RIPEN.  We know they were not picked too early because of their color.  We know the normal process of this fruits’ ripening.

She carries the four Persimmons out into the Sun bright and hot.   Another week (3) rolls by and still the fruit appears beautiful, orange, same as the day she bought it.  It’s now a month and the deceptive inedible fruit could still easily be sold in its present state, at a grocery store.

Hurray for the greedy bastards who are willing to poison mankind with plastic so they can make a butt load of money by crimes against humanity!  Hooray hooray!  Look at the fruit..now a month old and as pretty as the day I bought it.

Proof?  See for yourself….just cut into a pear that looks a bit under ripe.  But has sat in the window seal for a week.  You know how fast pears ripen.  You must eat them right on time!   Well the pear is a bit hard but I won’t chance it getting old and rotting.  So I cut the slightly hard yet beautiful skinned pear in half.

IT’S ROTTEN FROM THE INSIDE.  And they outside is perfect…no worm holes, no bruises, no chance of insect infestation etc.  What the fuck?  Says the consumer.

WHAT THE FUCK INDEED!  How much produce have you had to throw away in the last six months consumer?  Since around the time the wicked bastards in the food industry released Apeel to the public.

WHAT’S THE SOLUTION to the genocide generated by the food industry?  I will get to that.

The elite rulers of food have been  causing genocide for many years on end.  Hitler’s got nothing on Bill Gates of Hell.  But we used to be able to get around the poisoning and genocide by demanding organic produce.  And not eating their “dainties” as the once holy book used to warn us.  “Dainties” meaning their candies and cakes, their sweets full of poison and pesticide.  Hey if they can’t poison the food they just poison the containers and wrapping instead.  Well now that the Pale Horse rides, they are doing both with no guilty conscience.

The corporate buyers who keep the farmers in business will simply say what they have been saying for years “if you don’t put Bayer pesticides on the fruit we won’t buy from you bitch!”   Now they will say to the local blueberry farmers….”if you don’t spray this PEG polyglycol on the fruit we won’t buy it from you.

Be grateful you and I are not in the position of losing a family business that has made the farmers very comfortable for years and years on end….Like a dripping Faucet and a boiling pot of water…one step at time has lead to the genocide of humanity.

Everything is poisoned not just the food.  Clothing, furniture, woodwork, tiles, floors, ceiling, pretty much anything we buy is covered in some kind of wretched toxin.  Mix them all together and add the back scene….mankind will die out.  A mass die out is happening right now.  That’s probably why they are herding and paying so many immigrants to flood major countries.

To deceive us all that nothing has changed during this great tribulation.  And to empty out the land which they call their own.

No doubt this article will be sin sored.  Cancer has spiked up to the second highest cause of death in the U.S. IN 2024.

Gog lies like Hell saying Cancer statistics have gone down since .  Who is Gog?  Gog and Maygog the tech wars came around 2000 of the early days of the internet.


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